Ep 109: Why Regulating Blood Sugar Can Make Or Break Your Perimenopause
Your FIRST line of defense for healing your hormones? Balancing Blood Sugar. In this episode I walk you through it and give you 5 tips + a BONUS tip to balance your blood sugar and create the space that your hormones are desperate for right now! **************************************************************************** CGM Episode: https://www.briatheperiodwhisperer.com/podcasts/the-period-whisperer-podcast-perimenopause-menopause-weight-loss-holistic-nutrition-healthy-hormones-gut-health-stress/episodes/2147831353 LEARN MORE: https://www.nutrisense.io/ (Use Discount CODE BRIA25 for $25 off your first CGM) Connect with Bria: https://www.briatheperiodwhisperer.com/ https://www.instagram.com/bria_period_whisperer/ Join the Perimenopause Posse: https://www.briatheperiodwhisperer.com/perimenopause-posse Apply for hormone healing and weight release coaching: https://uspejnyhlpm.typeform.com/to/wTAijpBg?typeform-source=www.briatheperiodwhisperer.com Get my 10 Hormone Hacks + Training https://www.briatheperiodwhisperer.com/courses The Period Whisperer's 10 Laws of Happy Hormones - A Free Guide https://www.briatheperiodwhisperer.com/10-laws-of-happy-hormones-in-perimenopause Get my EVERY DAY GREENS (use BRIA as a discount code at checkout for 15-20% off!!!) https://www.organifishop.com/products/green