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THE PERIOD WHISPERER PODCAST - Perimenopause, Menopause, Weight Loss, Holistic Nutrition, Healthy Hormones, Gut Health, Stress

THE PERIOD WHISPERER PODCAST - Perimenopause, Menopause, Weight Loss, Holistic Nutrition, Healthy Hormones, Gut Health, Stress

Hosted by: Bria Gadd - Integrative Nutrition Coach, Hormone Specialist, Personal Trainer, Perimenopause Coach, Menopause Coach

To provide hormonal wellness education and tips for women interested in weight loss and energy gain through solo and interview episodes with real life women and industry experts. To inspire them to lower the stress in...


Ep 217: The 2 Key Things That Hold 90% Of Women Back From The Health & Body They Want In Perimenopause

Season #3

I used to wish that someone would just GIVE me the answers to my health goals…to better muscle building, better fat burning, fewer cravings, better sleep, effortless nutrition and so on. I would see women on the...
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Ep 216: Action Tips & Mindset Tips To Rev Up Your Metabolism In Midlife w/ Women’s Weight Release Expert & Body Love Coach Sarah Haas

Season #3

Women’s Weight Release Expert & Body Love Coach, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, yoga instructor, podcast host, speaker, single mom, and cancer survivor Sarah Haas joins me on the...
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Ep 215: Summer Fun, 5 Steps To Maintain Balance & Still Feel Great in Perimenopause

Season #3

Beer on the dock, wine with friends, cocktails on a patio, butter tarts and burgers, ice cream and s'mores by the fire are all apart of what makes summer well, summer for me!  But all of these things can wreak havoc...
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Ep 214: Burning Fat 24/7 In Perimenopause w/ Master Personal Trainer Kate Galli

Season #3

If you want to learn more about fitness, fat burning or plant based living, this episode is for you. Tune in for this interview with the amazing master trainer, life coach and NLP Practitioner Kate Galli as we talk...
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Ep 213: Why Your Doctor Says You Are Fine When You Aren’t Fine (And How To Get Even Better Than Fine) In Perimenopause

Season #3

If you are a high achieving woman, you know that you have big dreams and big goals and feeling less than awesome in your body is absolutely holding you back from that. It can be super mind (you know what) to know you...
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Ep 212: How Much Grit Is Too Much Grit To Get Results In Perimenopause w/ Andrea Herbert

Season #3

Have you heard the saying “your dreams don’t work unless you do?” Or “hustle harder”?  These are motivational sayings that we have heard as women for our entire lives. But what if you are barely keeping life afloat,...
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Ep 211: The Easiest Most Effortless Way To Start Reducing Symptoms in Perimenopause

Season #3

No, added workouts, no changes to your diet, this episode packs a punch when it comes to simple things YOU can do (and NEED to do) to support your hormones in perimenopause and beyond. No matter how great your sleep,...
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Ep 210: Burnout In Perimenopause, How To Give Yourself Permission to Prioritize Your Health w/ Cyclical Living Coach Lizzie York

Season #3

Has the word burnout crossed your mind or your heart lately? I used to hear this word and wonder about it until I started to FEEL it. It was there when I felt tanked after a workout, when I felt like my afternoons...
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Ep 209: How Stress Impacts Belly Fat And What To Do To Burn It In Perimenopause

Season #3

When I was 37, one of the most frustrating symptoms I was experiencing was what I like to call “undeserved weight gain.” You know…when you are doing all of the same things and suddenly you are carrying an extra...
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Ep 208: How To Use Your Cycle For Productivity And Energy w/ Leah Brueggemann

Season #3

Synching with your cycle has become a growing topic in the last few years and for good reason, there is so much power in it. Understanding your cycle, how to track it and work within it it often the missing piece of...
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Ep 207: 3 Places Nutrition Won’t Cut It In Perimenopause (and what to do)

Season #3

It wasn’t that long ago where I thought I had my nutrition dialed in, I was eating consistently, getting the right amount of micronutrients and macronutrients in…and I was still not feeling well. I was having...
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Ep 206: How To Know What You Want + Get What You Want In Perimenopause w/ Manuela Powell

Season #3

Ep: How To Know What You Want + Get What You Want In Perimenopause   Have you been finding yourself feeling frustrated, stuck or unfulfilled in midlife? Maybe you are starting to wonder if you even know who you are or...
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