The Proven 5 Step Plan to Fat Burning in Perimenopause

End sleepless nights, afternoon cravings, all day fatigue, and a scale that won’t budge and start getting the energy you know you should have, a clear and calm mind, and a body that feels like you!

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Uncover The 5 Things You Can Do To Feel Fantastic During Perimenopause And Beyond.


Access a proven, game-changing strategy that addresses why nothing you are doing is working anymore, and help you move out of symptoms like stuck weight, undeserved weight gain, cravings, brain fog, digestive issues, heavy or painful periods, sleep issues, low energy, joint pain and inflammation so you can say hello to happy hormones, vibrant energy, and effortless weight release during perimenopause.



A simple to follow plan that will teach you how make nutrition easy that will support your hormones, eliminate cravings and end food obsession.


Uncover what is happening in your perimenopause body to understand why you are feeling frustrated, lost, stuck and overwhelmed in your weight loss journey.


Learn how to eliminate hidden stressors to understand where the loss of function is, how much is lost and what support is required to get it back on and start to see your libido pick up, your sleep get better and even start to notice your cycle improve.


Clear guidance on how to build your best body and say goodbye to workouts that aren't working, for a woman in perimenopause.

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A Note from Bria…

Perimenopause is the longest and most significant hormonal shift in your life and will determine how you feel in your body for your next chapter. Isn’t it time you understood how to make it work for you instead of against you?

If you didn’t know before, you do now → your hormonal health is 100% responsible for your energy, your sleep, your healing, your confidence and clarity, your libido and your ability to burn fat and build muscle. And yet few women understand what is actually happening in perimenopause and how to thrive in their hormones instead of feeling stuck and hopeless.

The strategy for feeling amazing is not one you have ever been taught. If you’re willing to spend 60 minutes to discover what is happening during this hormonal shift and how to actually heal and work with your hormones, I promise to let you in on the most up-to-date and effective strategies you can use to have more energy, fewer symptoms and a better body than you did you in your 20’s.

Following this masterclass, you won’t need to google your symptoms with no clear answers, feel frustrated, lost or stuck as you navigate perimenopause. You’ll simply follow the proven steps I lay out for you — and unlock the healing, energy and results that are already within your body. Click here to choose a time that works for you  »

See you there!

XO Bria

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